The Housekeepers is taking corona virus very seriously. Our Envirox H2o2 cleaner kills 99.9% of bacteria and 99.9% of viruses and was initially developed to sanitize surfaces in hospitals. It is used to disinfect and sanitize multiple surfaces that are water-safe. It is our most used cleaner when we clean homes! We are continuing to take steps to care for our current customers, as well as taking on new ones at this time in order to help keep your home as clean and sanitized as possible. Our housekeepers and customers are asked to skip services if they are showing symptoms of the virus or have tested positive. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns. Some information about Envirox...
Cindy Rigdon
Concerns over corona virus and how our H202 can protect and sanitize your home.
Updated: Mar 19, 2020
4/15/2021 Another excellent job by Amanda. I hope this is getting to the PIP site, as it is difficult to find a place in this program that is identified as the place to put PIP comments. So, I comment at any place I can find about what a great job Amanda does.