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Steve Rigdon

The PIP program

The performance incentive program or "PIP" is our way to ensure you receive a top quality job on each and every cleaning. Too many times I have heard the story from new customers who have chosen other cleaning companies, they started off good but then the quality of their old service declined over time leaving them unhappy with the cleanings and thus the reason they decided to call us..

At the Housekeepers we have found that customer feedback and an employee bonus program are great tools in making sure that a quality job is done on each and every cleaning. Our PIP program is based on customer feedback where each employee can earn a bonus for quality work. This means your happiness affects their pay checks! A great housekeeper is rewarded for great work and your feedback is the key.

Yep, it's a simple idea and an effective one too! Happy customers, happy employees it's a win - win for everyone!

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